What are migraines?
Migraines are chronic and often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. They often cause throbbing, pulsing, and intensity in one particular area on the forehead or sides of the head. Possible symptoms can include intense energy, fatigue, food cravings, thirst, and mood changes. Most common types of migraines are classic migraines and common migraines. Classic migraines start with aura and involves changes in the way you see such as flashing lights, colors, and patterns. Common migraines start slowly and last longer than classic migraines. The pain of common migraines may occur on the sides of the head.

Common triggers include:
- Diet: Certain food and drinks, dehydration, dieting, or skipping meals
- Hormone Imbalance: Women may experience migraines more commonly due to menstrual cycles, or menopause
- Stress
- Light or Sound
- Cold or Flu
Treatment for migraines:
- Pain-Relieving Medication
- Preventative medications include:
- Botox Injections
- Blood Pressure Medication (lowering medication)
Headaches are continuous pain the head or around the face. There are more than 100 different types of headaches.
Common triggers include:
- Exposure to certain foods
- Dehydration
- Hormone Imbalance: Women may experience migraines more commonly due to menstrual cycles, or menopause
- Scalp
- Sinuses
- Teeth
- Muscles and Joint Neck Pain

- Lifestyle Changes:
- Avoid triggers such as certain food
- Change eating habits
- Exercise
- Stress Management
- Pain-Relieving Medication