Deviated Nasal Septum

Under ideal circumstances, the nasal septum is perfectly straight
and located precisely in the middle of the nose, which makes both
sides of the nasal cavity equal in size. Unfortunately, this ideal
situation is seldom
the reality. More than 80% of the population has some degree
of deviation or crookedness of the nasal septum.

The septum is usually straight at birth and remains straight throughout childhood. However, as a person ages, the septum has a tendency
to bend to one side or the other. Sometimes the septum is bent as a
result of birth trauma. Although trauma may be a factor in producing septal
deviation during childhood or adult life, in many cases, there is no
history of injury to account for the irregularity.


Sometimes the deviation of the septum is severe enough to cause nasal obstruction and affect the person’s breathing. Chronic nasal obstruction can contribute to decreased exercise tolerance and sleep disorders, such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It can impair normal breathing, forcing patients to breathe through the mouth, affecting their daily activities in many cases.

This is when septal surgery should be seriously considered. Dr. Darakshan performs one of the best deviated septum surgery Nagpur has to offer and can help resolve these symptoms.


Septoplasty, also known as septal surgery, is performed to straighten a deviated or crooked nasal septum.

The septum is the wall of bone and cartilage that separates the nasal
cavity into two different nostrils. When the septum becomes severely deviated, one nasal passage is much smaller than the other, and that can lead to problems breathing through the nose, frequent nosebleeds, and other uncomfortable or painful symptoms.

Dr. Darakshan will resolve this issue and get you breathing free and clear again with septoplasty in Nagpur.

Most babies are born with a straight septum, properly centered in the nose, and it remains that way throughout childhood. However, in adulthood, the septum tends to bend toward one side or the other. More than 80% of the adult population has a nasal septum that is deviated to some degree.


When the deviation is severe enough to cause nasal obstruction and affect breathing, septoplasty may be indicated. Chronic nasal obstruction can contribute to headaches, sleep disorders such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, and impair normal breathing, forcing patients to breathe through the mouth and often affecting their daily activities.

The main indications for septal surgery are:

  • Nasal airway obstruction;
  • Uncontrollable nosebleeds; and
  • Nasal septal deviation preventing adequate visualization of the sinuses during endoscopic sinus surgery.

Dr. Darakshan performs septoplasty in Nagpur, using the safest, most advanced, and minimally invasive techniques. Dr. Darakshan is focused on cutting-edge medical technology and treatment options that offer her patients the greatest outcomes while minimizing risk including Endoscopic Septoplasty.